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Forget what you are used to if you do not know what you are missing. You are probably already pretty faithful to either iPhone or Android, but if there is something about your current OS that is starting to get to you, maybe it is time to weigh your choices. Both the best-operating systems have their pros and cons, but depending on who you’re and what you are looking for in a smartphone, different advantages will outweigh different disadvantages. For the best advice, you will want to talk to an expert, but the below will give you a little more of an opinion of the kinds of questions you will want to inquire.
iPhone or Android
So the question of the ten years is “Android or iPhone?” There is no simple answer, but there are some things to consider and inquire yourself before you get.
iPhone or Android


We’re all looking to save a buck or two where we can. For some of us, that means wearing four sweaters in the winter to keep the heating bill down as opposed to sacrificing our unlimited data plan. However, if you don’t live on your phone but appreciate having regular access to articles and social media, then an android phone is the way to go. I am not saying that all Androids are affordable, but the price range of Androids is much broader than that of a lot of iPhones.


I am going to be blunt, phones aren’t made like they used to be. There’s nothing on the market today that could compare to your rubber covered Motorola flip phone that you could presumably run over with a truck and have it be okay. However, Motorola still makes phones that are pretty durable, and Android powers them. Additionally, there’re several Android phones out there that are water resistant. While you can buy a water-resistant case for your Apple telephone, the telephone itself is by no means liquid durable unless it is the iPhone 7and 7 Plus.


If you want a telephone that works fast, is simple to use and avoids changing UI generation after generation then you will want to go with an iPhone. Apple makes it so that the only conclusions you have to make is what colour you want. Your iPhone will also connect quickly with all of your other Apple devices. After just a few years of using an iPhone, using an Android will be like learning how to walk again.


 As in advance stated, there is almost no decision-making necessary in an iPhone purchase. The hardware and software are intended to work together. For some, this feels like all of the hard work has been taken care of already, but for others, this is very limiting. Google offers its Android software to HTC, LG, Motorola, and so on. That being said, a high-quality Android phone can operate better than any other piece of technology you have ever used and will be much better for gaming and streaming, but when hardware and software don’t work together, they do not work at all. All in all, if you’re thinking about Apple, you can go right in, try and buy, but if you are leaning toward Android, do your research.


Both the score of the best-operating system points in this category. Though anything recent than the iPhone generation 7 will be hard for one-handed use, every generation before that is sized to be useful for single-handed use. There are endless options when it comes to Android telephones, though, since wider screens are used for gaming, you may want to work with an Android being that they are much much better for gaming in common due to their hardware options.


Depending on the Android you get, the camera could be exceptional. However, there are articles out there that discuss the iPhone 7 Plus has the excellent camera on a smartphone… ever. It offers a six element camera, 2-12 megapixel sensors, and optical vision stabilisation. It also has a telephoto camera that adds depth of field to photographs. If you consume the majority of your time on SnapChat, then you’ll also appreciate the 7-megapixel selfie lens with which this phone is provided.


The Apple App store offers some 500,000 fewer apps than Google Play. This is due to Apple’s selectivity in which apps to allow on its store. Google is much laxer on its requirements. But, the quality of these apps might not be up to criterion with those of Apple.


There is no such device as an Android Store. That is because the software is used for so many different brands of accessories, which is fine for hardware issue since you can go to a Samsung or LG store. However, when your grandma finally opens the used MacBook you got her last Christmas, you’ll be very thankful for your nearest Apple Store.


“Siri”, Apple’s smart assistant software is severely limited to Android’s “Google Assistant.” If you are somebody who still likes to use a handwritten planner, then Siri will probably be able to suggest you with all of the assistance you need. However, if you live and die by your phone, then Android might be the way to go. Google Assistant can let you know when exactly you should leave for a meeting based on traffic and other environmental conditions.
We all live and work separately and after all, is told and done, the choice ultimately comes down to explaining the question, “What piece of technology will give me the fewest difficulties over the next two years?” Hopefully, this article could aid you to answer that question. Happy shopping!


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